01 May 2020, 00:23
- I desire to participate in online or in person circles as part of The Bold Life Brotherhood™.
- My participation is voluntary. I acknowledge that I am not obligated to
participate in any activity or exercise and can sit out anytime.
- I hereby agree to treat every participant with the utmost respect in all my
interactions and to keep anything that is said or shared in the confidential space of The
Bold Life Brotherhood™ 100% private, confidential and anonymous.
- The Bold Life Brotherhood™ provides an experiential, educational program, which may
involve physical, emotional and psychological activity, and in cases of such activity
there is always a risk involved. I understand that in a group workshop setting, the
instructor(s) are not responsible for monitoring physical, emotional and psychological
limits, or the limits of other participants, and that I am therefore responsible for
assessing the risk any individual or group activity poses to me, and choosing a safe
course of action for myself.
- I agree to completely assume the risk and responsibility for
any injuries or damages suffered by me arising out of my participation in all The Bold
Life Brotherhood™ events.
- I understand that The Bold Life Brotherhood™ is not
therapeutic in design or claim, nor is not a substitute for medical treatment,
psychotherapy, or any state-certified health program.
- The Bold Life Brotherhood™
organization specifically advises that The Bold Life Brotherhood™ Leaders are trained
and licensed facilitators, not psychological professionals.
- I hereby fully and completely waive and release The Bold
Life Brotherhood™ and all respective representatives, leaders, teachers, directors,
officers, and employees from any and all actions, claims, demands, damages and
liability for personal injuries or damages, which has resulted or may hereinafter result,
arising, directly or indirectly, from my participation in The Bold Life Brotherhood™ events.
- I acknowledge that I am voluntarily assuming all risks associated with my participation
in Bold Life Brotherhood™ events and voluntarily agree to accept any and all risks of
injury or death.
- No drugs or alcohol. If you are high or have been drinking, tell the group. Honor this sacred space.
- We do our best to use I Statements, not You/We statements. When we take responsibility for our language we can take responsibility for ourselves.
- Ask another man before you give feedback. He may say no.
- Feedback is a reflection on what you heard/saw/felt, and is focused on the man who is sharing. Opinions and Advice are only given if requested.
- Let the circle leader know if you cannot arrive on time.